Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ups and downs

Oh ya'll...we have been so sick!  I am sorry the posts have been few and far between.  We have had another round of fevers, colds and random 'not feeling good' days.  It is times like these that I am so thankful for the prayers of the saints and for God's steadfast love.  I have been going through the book of Philippians in my quiet times and what an encouragement Paul is!  He was in prison as he wrote and yet all he could talk about was the glory of Christ and how joyful he was.  It is much-needed conviction as I fight for joy with sick kids and an extremely cold winter.  
There have been a few times of getting out and about....
 Jane has officially moved to a big girl bed.  We found this one on Craigslist and she has done so well!  We moved her in on New Year's Eve.
 Peter has read his first book!  I am so proud.  Peter loves school and is so excited to learn.  I love it too!  To celebrate we went to the Cupcake Cottage after school.  Yummo! I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of his life in this way.
 Peter and his proud teacher :)
We also went to the zoo and got to visit with the animals on one of the few warm days.  We always love the white tiger.  He licked the glass right over Justin's face!
If the Lord wills, I will be able to post again soon.  I just haven't been taking many pictures lately!  But prayerfully we will be on the mend soon - to the praise of His glory.